Ultimate Frisbee English

We are the German Mixed Ultimate National Team going to the World Championships 2016 in London.
Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-26 um 14.33.03

In June 2016 we will compete for the title against 40 other nations. Starting with the tryouts in fall of 2015, we are now right in the middle of preparation.

(external link zu generosity by Indiegogo)




This year we have the luxury of working with two excellent coaches, Mike and Allen, who relentlessly help us get better and grow both as players and as team. Further, we have the support of a physiotherapist, Henner, who supervises our athletic performance and fitness as well as recovery from injuries. Moreover, we even have the opportunity to get two videographers to film and cut all of our games in London for same-day analysis as well as creating a lasting memory of our story as a team.

Yet, the costs of the season are already high as it is;  with participation fees for Worlds, accommodation in London, preparation tournaments and travel easily surpassing $2,500 per player. While we have, nonetheless, decided to set aside a budget to cover expenses for the coaching staff, they have suggested to put this stipend towards the film project. This gets us a big step closer to realizing the film project, which would capture the highlight of a long, intense and incredibly fun season. However, we would still like to cover our coaches’ costs for accompanying us throughout the season and pushing us all the way to London.

Therefore, we kindly ask you for your support to

  1. Realize the probably biggest film project German ultimate has taken on so far and
  2. Offer our amazing staff a fair compensation covering at least their expenses on the road to London.

The team has managed to raise roughly $4,000 for this purpose internally. However, an additional $10,000 are needed to fully cover the costs our staff is facing and to make the film project happen. The amount needed is roughly composed as follows:

Video project
Two professional videographers film all games, support the coaches in same-day analysis of games and create a documentary to remember the season. Costs for travel and accommodation sum up to about $4,000. Compensation for 7 days of filming plus many hours of editing are at about $2,000.

Coaches compensation
Travel expenses, accommodation and participation fees throughout the season, food and lodging in London cost more or less $2,500 each; half of which for London, half for the rest of the season.

Functional movement screening of whole team, support and physiotherapeutic care during the season and Worlds, travel, lodging and food in London come at about $3,000.

We look forward to every contribution, big or small. And, hopefully, you will get to know us better and enjoy the perks and surprises along the way. If you live in Germany and want to make a tax deductible donation to the team via the DFV, please get in touch with us. Also let us know if you have any questions about, or ideas for, the campaign, our season or ultimate in Germany. We’re excited to hear from you!